Automobile accidents are a frequent source of injuries that can range from mild to very severe. The State of Florida has one of the highest rates of incidence of automobile accidents in the nation, and at any point we could be exposed to them. You do not have to be the driver or a passenger in a car to be the victim of an automobile accident; it can happen to you while riding a bicycle or walking across the street. Whatever the nature of an automobile accident, you should know that injuries may occur, and even a minor injury when not treated properly may pose a much higher risk to your health in the future.
You should always consider to be evaluated by a health care professional after a motor vehicle accident (MVA), BUT YOU SHOULD DO IT WITHIN 14 DAYS OF YOUR ACCIDENT! If you let 14 days pass by without being seen by a health care provider, you will lose the right to use your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage for treatment. When you see your health care provider, you must let him/her/them know that your injuries are related to an automobile accident. You should also know that you have the right to choose your own physician or medical provider.

Common Injuries sustained in Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA)

Whiplash Injuries

This is a type of injury commonly affecting the neck following a car accident. It frequently affects the occupants of a stopped vehicle (target vehicle) when impacted from behind by another car (bullet vehicle). The sudden and violent acceleration force applied to the target vehicle will push it forward. The occupants’ body in this vehicle will also be violently displaced through a forward push by their seats; the only parts of the body that will stay back are the head and neck (this is due to a physics principle called inertia, in which an object will try to remain at rest even when an accelerating force is applied or keep moving in a straight line when a decelerating force is applied). After going momentarily backwards, the head and neck will then go forward and then backwards again, all happening in just a few fractions of a second. Structures that may result with injuries due to this mechanism of trauma are ligaments, muscles, tendons, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and nerves. Although this type of injuries occurs very frequently during automobile rear end collisions, they may also happen when practicing contact sports, during a forceful taking off/landing of an airplane, or even when you have fun in an amusement park while driving the bumper cars or riding on a roller coaster.

Mid-back and Lower-back Injuries

These are injuries frequently reported by victims of automobile collisions not only by the violent forces involved during the collision (acceleration /deceleration), but also the restraining forces from the seatbelts. Muscles, ligaments, intervertebral discs, vertebrae, and nerves may appear with some degree of damage.


A concussion is a type of injury to the brain that results from a blow or jolt to the head. These situations may cause the brain to violently be displaced or “shaken” within the skull. In the case of an automobile collision, it may result when the head impacts against the airbag, windshield, side window, or if the back of the head hits the head rest. Some common symptoms of a concussion may include headaches, blurry vision, dizziness, loss of memory, difficulty concentrating, ear ringing, lack of equilibrium, and nausea.


Many victims of automobile accidents report pain that runs from their lower back down to one or both lower extremities. This is frequently caused by pressure directly over the sciatic nerve (the biggest nerve in our body), provoking its irritation. This nerve is found bilaterally and when affected can easily cause lower back pain as well as pain, numbness, tingling, burning sensations, and even weakness within the lower extremities.

Intervertebral Disc Herniations

The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a special type of cartilage that connects two adjacent vertebrae to each other. It provides flexibility to the spine and functions as a natural shock absorber in-between two vertebrae. Inside, the disc has a jelly-like material that, in the case of injury to the wall of the disc, may try to migrate from the interior to the exterior causing deformation to the disc.

General Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries

Sprain and strain type of injuries, nerve damage, and fractures.  May affect any part of your body.

Exacerbation of Pre-existing Injuries

A car accident can exacerbate or reactivate past injuries that had already been resolved or are about to resolve.

New Patients Forms

Please choose the type of paperwork that applies to you, either Personal Injury (Automobile Accident / Slip & Fall) or Health Insurance / Cash Payment. Complete these forms to the best of your ability, and please bring the completed forms along with your insurance card (Auto Insurance/Health Insurance) and photo ID to your first appointment. If you prefer, you can fax this documentation to 407-593-9014 or email it to:

To schedule your appointment please call: 407-593-8052. We are delighted to see you.

To schedule your appointment please call:
407-593-8052. We are delighted to see you.